If you're on this leaderboard and bring nothing but trouble to this thread, I won't hesitate to remove you from this leaderboard. I will not tolerate negative nor bad attitudes.

If you feel like a specific game should be eligible but is not on the eligibles list, please state why it should be added. DLC does not count, meaning that you do not need to earn DLC trophies as well to make a game eligible. You may only list a game if you have earned the platinum trophy for, or have reached 100% for (PSN title). That will determine the winner for a tie.

If you are tied in points, your total number of RPG games completed will come into place. I will specify titles like this on the RPG game list. The stacked PS5 platinum is counted 1/2 points (auto-pop) unless one earns 100% on the PS5 version (i.e.
For FFVIIRemake, the PS5 and PS4 versions of FFVIIR have different trophy list. Auto-popped platinums on your trophy list are always counted as 1/2 points if you have them stacked. Another example is that Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal edition are separate titles, with either having four regions stacks.
However Atelier Totori PS3 JP and PS3 non-JP are counted as stacks (region stacks). For example, Atelier Totori has three different versions therefore three name titles: original, plus and DX edition, all counted 1 point each. Only games with the same title AND trophy list are stacking. Auto-popped platinums on different platforms are treated in the same way as stacking platinums. This also includes games on multiple platforms. If you have earned a platinum/100% in a stacking title (like Persona 5 for instance), then you may sign up to both trophy lists but only the first platinum is counted 1 point with all stacks earned counted 1/2 points. Stacking platinums/100% are counted as 1/2 points.You will receive 1 point for every platinum trophy, or completing a PSN title to 100% that you've earned.This leaderboard will only be for the Top 50. Not a registered member? Want to be a part of this Leaderboard? Then register HERE.